Initial days of Coding.
Since it's my first blog, I will tell you about my programming experience that I have been doing for the last 5 months. Initially, I was excited that I purchase a dedicated course for my learning computer language. For 2 months I was doing it with great enthusiasm. I was learning about data types, loops, functions, patterns, etc or you can say I have just started the basics of JAVA. But when It comes to Data Structures like Linked lists, queues, Stacks and many more I am so bored with them. But I am not able to quit or leave it because coding is not boring it's just about the time you spent on it. I feel lazy when it comes to building logic and I think it happens to everyone. To remain it continue, I see the solution to the question and understand my own. But now, slowly I will do it and not quit in previous days(which I think is the best thing that I was not quitting this). Still, my language is not completed yet, because topics like DP, segment trees, graphs, etc are left behind and are in progress. And today when I do practice from basics it makes me feel good that I can build logic of my own without help. Sometimes it requires help, but how much you solve on your own, makes you confident and happy. So never quits at any point when you start something. Coding is not too hard and you can't say its easy, it is that thing which makes your time complexity worst(initially) and makes the code's time complexity optimized. So give time to it as much possible as you can. College and papers are part of your college journey(me too). But you have to just make a schedule and prioritize the things on your own and do the tasks or complete the coding questions on their time if you want to reach that stage that you see in your dreams.